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How to: Develop A Successful Team
Bill Wagner, author of The Entrepreneur Next Door, once noted that “The most successful entrepreneurs know that the greatest knowledge is self-knowledge. They’re not necessarily blessed with a higher intellect or more charisma than others, but they understand how to make the best of their talents and how to manage or compensate for their weaknesses.” This […]
Five Brainy Foods for Success at Work
Whether you love your career or not, we’ve all had days where we don’t want to get out of bed. We spend the entire day wondering why we feel so sluggish and why everything seems hazy. No matter how many cups of coffee we consume, we can’t seem to shake this odd feeling. By the […]
Five Important Principles of Consumer Psychology
If you want to be a great marketer, it’s essential to understand your consumers. The importance of understanding the psychology behind how (and why) people think and act the way they do is something companies often miss when creating their marketing plan. Therefore, if you or your company has struggled in marketing and carrying out […]
The Importance of Branding – Factors Most Startup Companies Can’t See
Almost everyone knows that in order to build a successful company, one needs a product that solves a problem for a specified target market. On the other hand, many are unaware that the success of a company significantly depends on the quality of its brand as well. Why?
5 Tips For Keeping Employees
People work best when their involved in something they’re passionate about. Therefore, in order to retain employees, companies need to work on engagement. Presenting opportunities for employees to learn and grow are essential for a company’s maximum retention rates. Believe it or not, increasing employee retention rates naturally benefits new ideas and increases profits. Either […]
5 Tips To Motivate Your Team
Motivation is defined as the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way. When the energy, knowledge, and skills of a motivated group of people are combined, it creates an effective atmosphere where almost anything can be accomplished. Yet, a team’s motivation can rise or fall depending on a myriad […]
3 Tips For Stronger Startup Team Building
For startups, success or failure is directly tethered to the strength of the team. When resources are sparse, and to-do lists endless, having a cohesive and efficient team is absolutely critical. For founders, picking a team in the early stages is an enormous task in itself, but really just the beginning.
Best Practices for Interviewing and Hiring New Employees
Hiring new employees is always somewhat of a risk. Whether we are hiring for a simple job or one extremely complex, we never know exactly who these people are as employees until working with them. With this, the process of interviewing new applicants is extremely important. The tips and tricks listed below will prepare you […]
Strategic Processes for Exemplary Corporate Decision-Making
Making decisions isn’t always easy; especially corporate decisions. Complex corporate decisions often involve challenging factors such as uncertainty, complexity, high-risk consequences, alternatives, and/or interpersonal issues. When faced with difficult corporate decisions involving one or more of these factors, it becomes increasingly important to use strategic decision making processes to ensure a successful outcome.