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6 Simple Ways to Enjoy Your Work, Daily

After years of working in corporate America, many people begin to despise their everyday work and forget that there are many simple ways to make workdays more interesting and rewarding. With this, we’ve created a list of 6 simple ways to enjoy your work, daily. While reading these, keep in mind that boosting the overall engagement of any office relies on 5 aspects: wellness, productivity, social, environment, and generosity.  

  1. Solve a Situation
  • We all have times where lingering situations at work get stuck on our minds. Typically, these unsolved problems take away from our ability to work efficiently. Therefore, in order to enjoy your work daily, make it a priority to solve at least one of these lingering situations every day you go into the office. Even if there are more to tackle, you’ll feel relieved having taken the initiative to solve at least one of them.


  1. Praise a Colleague
  • One of the biggest factors to enjoying your work, is in the company’s overall culture. When our colleagues are endlessly stressed and on edge, we inevitably fall into this pit too. Therefore, whether your company’s culture is good or bad, contribute to an increasingly positive environment by making an effort to praise at least one colleague every day.
  • Also try mentoring a new colleague! 6 Simple Ways to Enjoy Your Work, Daily


Fact: The positive work culture at Zappos is driven by 10 guiding values they live and breathe every day. These 10 values consist of:

  1. Deliver WOW through service
  2. Embrace and drive change
  3. Create fun and a little weirdness
  4. Be adventurous, creative and open-minded
  5. Pursue growth and learning
  6. Build open and honest relationships with communication
  7. Build a positive team and family spirit
  8. Do more with less
  9. Be passionate and determined
  10. Be humble
  1. Eat Breakfast!
  • I know I probably sound like a broken record, but there are many people unaware of the positive impact that eating breakfast really has on their day. When we wake up in the morning, our energy tanks are depleted. Therefore, merely grabbing a coffee and running out the door gives you almost no chance for a good day at work, both mentally and physically. Instead, try grabbing a coffee, a granola bar, and a banana. It will make a huge difference.


  1. Have Lunch with a Colleague 
  • Allowing yourself to take your mind off your work for at least thirty minutes a day is extremely important to your overall productivity. Allowing your mind to relax for a short period of time each day will put you in a better state when you return to your work. And believe it or not, this is actually even more important if you’re having a particularly stressful day. 6 Simple Ways to Enjoy Your Work, Daily


  1. Focus with Sound
  • If you’re someone who can’t seem to stop your mind from racing between thoughts of the million things you need to do, try focusing with sound. Bring a pair of headphones to work and listen to music or an audio tape while working. For some people, trying to focus with outside noise only distracts them more. Yet, contrary to popular belief, there are many people who can actually focus much better with noise!


  1. Set Goals for the Week
  • Every Monday, set a series of goals for the coming work week. Every day, look back at those goals when feeling uninspired or unmotivated to continue working. This will help you to remember the overall purpose of why you are doing the work that you are.


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