Posts By: mysterybuscom
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7 Steps to Hosting a Successful Meeting
Corporate meetings are known for being boring and pointless. They drain our energy, waste our time, and often add up to costly numbers for the company hosting. Moreover, not only do meetings themselves take time, but preparing for them can take even longer. Therefore, the question becomes, what’s the point in hosting a meeting? And, […]
The Importance of Corporate Culture for Any Organization
Out of the many things done to start-up and maintain an organization, I find it surprising that the idea of corporate culture has been largely ignored and perceived as rather unimportant by various organizations.
Keeping up with Effective Employee Recognition in the Workplace
Many companies find employee recognition one of their most difficult tasks. This is often due to the fact that because every employee is different, it becomes exceedingly hard to find a “common ground” for an appropriate employee recognition strategy. Yet, if you want to keep up with the challenge of employee recognition, you need to […]
Why Telling your Team to “Treat Others Like You Want to be Treated,” Isn’t Good Advice
The importance of customer service in business is largely overlooked. Whether you sell products or services, and run a small or large company, premium customer service is of equal importance to your continued growth and success. Yet, achieving outstanding customer service in any business is a challenge. People are vastly different and, quite frankly, often difficult […]
7 Steps to Developing a Remarkable Team
For a long time, the overall idea of team building carried a negative image. Yet, in more recent years, people have largely began to notice the significance of team building within their company’s. Top leaders have come to know that it takes a successful team, in order to grow a successful business.
The Positive Results of Effective Team Building: Transforming Your Company
We often hear talk about the effectiveness of team building in the corporate world. Yet, while we might believe what we hear, do we actually know how team building brings positive results to our company? For many, the answer is no. Little information is noted on the subject. With this, we’ve created a list of […]
Corporate Event Planning: Do’s and Don’ts
If you’ve ever hosted a corporate event, than you’ve probably experienced one or more that haven’t gone so well. Attendees barely mingle, we feel the pressure of having to continuously come up with conversation to avoid complete embarrassment, and everyone leaves much earlier than we originally expected they would. It’s a complete fail and, typically, […]
DIY Corporate Event Hacks: Spice Things Up in Your Office!
Do you ever feel like the reason behind your employees boredom at work is due to a little “too much consistency” at your office? Maybe you throw a few staff parties every year, and go out for dinner and drinks with a group of employees every now and again, but is that really enough? If […]
Developing an Employee Retention Strategy that Sticks
In my junior year of college as an undergraduate, I took a marketing class with a young, female professor. The class focused on aspects of corporate culture, customer relationship management, and most importantly, employee retention. While the class itself was great, how I truly came to know and understand the concept of employee retention, was […]
The Key to Awesome Employees
What’s the key to awesome employees? Keeping them happy and inspired of course! Yet, the issue in doing this is that it isn’t as simple as it sounds. Leaders and bosses struggle to inspire their employees, and to keep them happy, for a number of different reasons. Most commonly, these reasons include getting hung up […]